KBET789's affiliate program is designed to offer a range of highly competitive commission structures across three distinct levels. Each level provides unique benefits tailored to meet the needs and aspirations of our valued affiliates. Here's an overview of the benefits at each level:


Min Monthly Active Players


Min Payout

Ambassador Level
(level 1)


10% from monthly total member loss


Expert Level (level 2)



- For monthly total member loss than 1000: 10%
- For monthly total member loss between 1000 and 5000: 20%
- For monthly total member loss exceeding 5000: 30%


Superstar Level (Level 3)


- For monthly total member loss than 1000: 20%
- For monthly total member loss between 1000 and 5000: 30%
- For monthly total member loss exceeding 5000: 40%


 Terms and Condition:
1.  Affiliate Approval: Affiliate status is granted upon approval by KBET789. Applicants will be notified of the decision within 48 hours of receiving their registration.
2.  Level Review Process: At the beginning of each month, affiliate levels will be reviewed based on the number of active players referred by the affiliate during the previous month.
3.  Level 3 Achievement: To achieve Level 3 status, affiliates must maintain a minimum of 5 active players and ensure that the total member loss exceeds $1000 for a continuous 6-month period. The 6-month period will be calculated from the date of achieving Level 2 status.
4.  Downgrade Process for Level 3 Affiliates: If an affiliate at Level 3 fails to maintain the requirement of 5 active players for three consecutive months, their commission level will be downgraded to Level 2.
5.  Commission Calculation: Commissions will be calculated based on the total amount of member losses, deducting any promotional credits given to members. The affiliate's commission is calculated as follows: (Total Members' Net Winnings – Total Bonuses Awarded to Members) multiplied by the Commission Percentage corresponding to the affiliate's tier level.
6.  Commission Payment: Commission payments will be made no later than the 3rd of each month. Any commission amount that is not eligible for withdrawal (less than $10) will be accumulated and carried over to the following month until it meets the withdrawal threshold.
7.  Handling of Negative Amounts: Negative commission amounts will be carried over to the next month, and the affiliate will be notified of the negative balance.
8.  General terms and conditions apply:
General Conditions
1. One Account per Member: This offer is valid for one member account only. Joint family accounts, addresses, phone numbers, IPs, computers, or mobile devices will not be allowed to participate in this offer.

2.  Accurate Information: This offer is only for members who register with real and accurate personal information.

Register as KBET789 Affiliate
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